Natural Makeup For Natural Beauty

Usually when we think of natural beauty we think of someone without makeup. Did you know that your natural beauty can be enhanced by using natural beauty products? That is: makeup and cosmetic products that are 100% natural and organic. Unfortunately most of the makeup that women wear is full of harmful toxins and chemicals. Makeup products and skincare products containing these actually can do more to harm the skin than enhance natural beauty.

You have probably heard it said that "...if looks could kill...". For many years women have been led to believe that in order to look beautiful they have to wear makeup. Most large cosmetic companies market their products so that you feel that you can't live without them. Who of us hasn't seen a commercial and thought: "I would like to look like that". This leads many women to put beauty first rather than health. Of course we all want to fit in and be accepted - but at what cost. Just think how much the makeup industry affects our thinking: How many films have you seen when the actress awakes in the morning without any makeup on? Probably not very many. So women start thinking that they have to look like this. Then their partners also start thinking the same. Then there is the other extreme. The terms 'natural' and 'organic' still have a stigma attached to them, and so many think that buying natural organic makeup products is only something for hippies.

Beauty though is all relative. You could say that it is skin-deep. Fashions also change. For example, what was fashionable in the 80's would look pretty ridiculous in today. It used to be the fashion that women would have white skin - this showed that they were rich and didn't have to spend a lot of time outdoors. Now the fashion is to have a tanned skin, which is to show the same - we've got a lot of money for recreation and exotic holidays. We have been led to believe that a tanned skin is a healthy skin. Actually that could not be further from the truth. A tanned skin is actually a damaged skin.

Culture also plays a part in what is acceptable and what is not. Coco Channel is quoted as saying: "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." For example in Burma is desirable for women to wear neck rings to elongate their necks. It is also reported that tourism is to blame for this because they are a popular attraction for tourists. In China feet biding used to be popular. (This is a practice whereby children's feet are bound to prevent further growth). The results were deformed feet. So we have to ask ourselves - how much of our thinking is being dictated by the media, culture and our peers? If you lived in China in the late 1800's would you have had your children feet bound? Even if it meant you being different and being rejected as a 'poor person' or someone of a 'lower social class'?

During the last few years many studies have been carried out which show that most of the commercially available makeup products on the market contain dangerous levels of toxic chemicals and other irritants. Just take a look at the ingredients of any makeup or skincare product. How much of is sounds natural and how much of sound like you need a degree in chemistry to understand it? Even if you could understand everything that is listed under ingredients the cosmetic industry still hide toxic ingredients behind innocent sounding labels. For example: 'scent'. Seems harmless enough, but the 'scent' could contain hundreds of different chemical combinations. Sometimes you have to wonder if the makeup products have been produced for putting on your skin or cleaning your car engine.

It's also worth noting that many of the commercially available makeup products actually cause skin irritations and allergies. Even some of the so-called cures for eczema or acne actually aggravate the skin and can make it worse.

Natural organic products are manufactured in such a way that they do not cause harm to humans or animals. They are biodegradable these organic and natural products are great for the environment as well.

By using natural organic makeup you will enhance your appearance and at the same time actually care for the health of your body and skin. In the long term, using natural organic makeup and skin care products will maintain a healthy balance in your body thereby improving your natural beauty and reducing the need for using too much cosmetics.

How is this so? Let's examine one example. Did you know that drinking enough water moisturizes your skin? It also has many other 'side-effects', it keeps us healthier, improves metabolism, reduces headaches, and if we talk about makeup products, reduces the need to use so much moisturizer. All from something that comes free out the faucet. Think about this: whatever we put on our skin is absorbed by our body. Did you ever wonder where the skin cream went after you applied it? Yes, into our body and some of it is even metabolizes by the internal organs. If you use only products that are organic and contain natural ingredients you will help to keep your skin healthy.

Natural beauty will help you look beautiful naturally. Don't risk your health for the sake of fashion. It's been done in the past and many women are still paying the price. What will be the cost of using makeup products that are full of toxic chemicals? Already studies are showing that some of these chemicals are turning up in different cancers. While a definite link has to be proved, it is alarming that cancers seem to be on the rise the more we are using chemicals.

Natural makeup products are widely available and by using them you will not have 'looks to die for'. They are just as effective as their toxic counterparts - but without the health risks. Remember also to care for you health by what you eat. You naturally look more beautiful when you are in good health and natural makeup product will enhance your natural beauty.

You will probably want to find out more about natural beauty products and the benefits that they can give to you. Would you like to know what are the ingredients to avoid when choosing makeup products? Then please visit where you will be able to read many well researched articles on the benefits of natural makeup.

Essential Natural Beauty Tips

Natural beauty tips are not only easy to follow but easy on the pocket as well. You have to look and feel great to achieve the level of beauty you always wanted. It is not always how beautiful you look that matters, as suggests, but who you are which goes into creating your persona that will make people notice you. So here are some tips that will help you in creating that persona:


The first and foremost of all natural beauty tips is regarding cleaning your skin. Your face literally has to "face" the harsh environment around you. So use a water-based cleanser to clean your face at the end of the day or when you return from outside. Such a cleanser will not clog the pores and if they are devoid of detergents, moisturizer and artificial fragrances, those with even the most sensitive skin can use it. Then again, as NY Wellness suggest, it is not always the price of the product that determines its usefulness; everyday items like cooked oatmeal, tomato paste, and garlic can be good facial mask for your skin, especially if it is oily. Two more things that will make such a skin beautiful are mayonnaise and smashed banana. Just keep them on your face for 20 minutes before washing off. For exfoliating you dead skin cells, try a mixture of 1 tablespoon of salt and quarter cup of ground coffee.


To add a definition to your face, make sure your eyebrows are well-groomed as such a pair of eyebrow complements the facial features of a person. Trim at night so that no irritation is visible in the morning. Brush it to remove any loose hair. Here are some natural beauty tips regarding how to pluck your eyebrows:

Start your eyebrow at your tear duct and then expand to the outer portion of the iris. Stop just at the outer corner of your eye. Before plucking, apply an astringent to the area; use the tweezers at an angle of 45 degree to pluck the stray hairs. Pick from the root and in the direction of growth.


The last group of natural beauty tips is regarding your lips. Your lips also need exfoliation and for that use a mixture of sugar and olive oil in equal measure. Use a toothbrush to apply this mixture on your lips in a circular motion. For protecting and repairing your lips, especially during the harsh winters, use a lip balm. However, choosing the right lip balm is important, as Great Home Remedies suggests. Adults should pick up lip balms that contain ingredients like rosemary and beeswax.

Next, check out this FREE video for some UNUSUAL TIPS on how to Naturally and Permanently remove dark circles under eyes and puffy eyes. Here's the link:

Sun Damage Treatment - Restore Your Natural Beauty

Sun damage is a type of aging that occurs due to excessive ultraviolet radiations. Intense sun exposure can cause skin damage that eventually leads to premature aging and at times even skin cancer. Prolonged sun exposure can not only lead to extrinsic aging but it also causes bruising, wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. Excessive sun exposure also results in the development of age spots or large freckles or liver spots and white small spots that commonly appear on the back of the hands, shoulders, neck, chest, arms, and upper back.

Common Practices to Prevent Sun Damage

There are various common practices that are frequently used in prevention of sunburn. Preventive outfits like hats, caps, long sleeved garments are the most preferred way of skin protection. Also there are some topical preparations that are available which help in blocking the penetration of UV light, known as sunblocks or sunscreens. They possess a sunburn protection factor (SPF), which helps reduce sun damage. If this factor is present in high amount, it can significantly reduce the direct damage of DNA. Another way to combat the adverse effects of skin damage due to UV rays is to moderate sun tanning as it results in production of a skin pigment melanin that naturally prevents overexposure.

Get Medical Help for Sun Damage Treatment

If the skin is severely affected by the adverse effects of UV rays then it's very essential to seek professional help. The treatment totally relies on the severity of the symptoms, whether it's first degree sunburn or the second. Hence, rather than using over the counter products seek help of a reputable and skin care expert for cosmetic treatment to relive the discomfort associated with damaged skin.

Skin Experts Recommend Photo Therapy for Sun Damage

According to skin experts, Broadband Light (BBL) is a latest technology that is used for the treatment of various skin problems like age spots, sun damage, sun blemishes and brown spots. Through this technique, any targeted area can be easily treated, but it is effective for especially those which are most affected by the sun. Treatment of neck, face, back of the shoulders, neck and chest are most common.

How Broadband Light Benefits Helps

The advance technique of BBL uses a beam of light through which energy is transmitted to the skin. The light gently heats up the upper layer of skin and is easily absorbed by the targeted areas. It will result in stimulation of skin cells and production of new collagen. The photothermal energy also eliminates fine lines and unwanted skin pigment melanin that are responsible for redness and pigmented lesions respectively. It takes around two to five effective treatments to get the desired results.

Adverse effects of sun can be hazardous, so it's very critical to prevdnt your skin from excessive sun exposure. Preventive measures should be taken seriously before exposing to the sun. Medical help of a professional skin expert is also helpful. Phototherapy (Broadband light technology) is an advanced approach towards the treatment of sun damage which is considered a harmless and non-invasive treatment. It helps restore your natural beauty and enable you to resume your daily activities without ado.

Restore Your Skin's Natural Beauty By Using All Natural Eczema Remedies

Eczema is really a long-term skin condition that could happen to anybody anytime. It is easily the most prevalent skin ailment that impacts people. Referred to as Dermatitis, eczema can involve lots of itchiness, inflammation and will interfere with your daily life making things miserable.

Coping with eczema is rather agonizing, not just due to how your sensitive skin feels and looks but additionally due to the way it damages your self-esteem. But I am here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way! There are a number of natural eczema remedies that can go a long way to clearing up your annoying or even painful skin condition. Numerous herbal products work well as all-natural eczema treatments and may be used to deal with all the signs or symptoms of eczema.

Dermatitis is actually a problem that's a result of your skin layer drastically becoming dry. So the 1st natural eczema remedies that you should look at are going to be the ones employed for softening your skin. Some are methods to lower the impact that certain daily activities have on dehydrating your skin, and others consist of applying various kinds of lotions and creams designed to not only sooth and heal but also re-hydrate your skin.

Another type of eczema is caused by contact to various substances and is even called contact dermatitis. This type of eczema is of two sorts, allergic-contact dermatitis or irritant-contact dermatitis. They key to overcoming these is to identify the culprits of the problem. What are you in contact with that is irritating your skin? Or maybe you are allergic to something like a food product or some type of drink like milk.

Many individuals with eczema, or atopic dermatitis, can manage their skin disorder with not too difficult prevention methods. It is important to keep things simple and use natural eczema remedies that have just one or two ingredients. Aromatherapy natural eczema remedies use natural oils and have antiseptic properties that are helpful for skin disorders including eczema and acne break outs.

Included in the people that are affected by Eczema are children, even infants. Eczema solutions for a child require you to be extra cautious, because of the fact some skin lotions and creams could burn the delicate skin of children and do much more harm than good. However natural eczema remedies can help young ones also.

Whatever type of eczema you or a loved one are suffering from, natural treatments are a valuable tool for gaining relief. Be sure to always consult a medical professional and now days many doctors employ natural methods. At the very least make sure your doctor is willing to cooperate with your desire to use natural methods.
About this Author

There Are Many More Natural Remedies for Eczema That I Was Unable To Mention In the Above Article Due To Lack of Room. For Additional Natural Tips and Secrets Click One of the Links In These Last Two Sentences. See You There!